Saturday, February 7, 2009

We're back!

Welcome class to the History of Photography, course # PMPH 470 at Pratt Institute's School for Continuing Education.

All assignments will be put up here by the Sunday after each class, so check this often. More often than not, they will require you posting them as a comment. You don't need to register for anything to do that, just make sure you put your name with it so I know who left it.

Please try to check this site throughout the week, and definitely in the morning before class or at least the night prior as we may be meeting at a gallery or museum.

For those of you reading this that are not in the class, feel free to leave any comments. I encourage any and all discussion about the history of photography and any subject matter that may be related.

You are allowed two absences, so use them wisely...or be really wise and just don't use them at all. Your grade will be determined by the quality of your assignments and just as importantly, your participation in class.

You know the drill: do the assignments, show up to class, you get a good grade, everyone is happy!

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